P.W. "Plast - Projekt"
tel. : +48 32 2521244
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Gadu-Gadu : 28090756
Katalog 2014 – 2015
- Produkty
- Badania fizyczne – modele treningowe
- Chińska medycyna tradycyjna – modele treningowe
- Ginekologia i położnictwo – modele treningowe
- Kliniczne modele treningowe
- Modele ukladu anatomicznego człowieka
- Pierwsza pomoc medyczna – sprzęt
- Plansze dydaktyczne
- Preparaty mikroskopowe
- Promocje
- Ratownictwo medyczne – modele treningowe
- Sprzęt rehabilitacyjny
- Stomatologia – modele treningowe
- Umiejętności pielęgniarskie – modele treningowe
- Uncategorized
HUG/HC – histologia człowieka (preparaty mikroskopowe) cz. I
Normal Human Histology, Large Set, Part I. 50 Microscope Slides.
11.White fibrous tissue (tendon), human, l.s.
22.Spleen, human
1.Isolated squamous epithelium, human
2.Connective tissue, human, sec.
3.Columnar epithelium, human gall bladder
4.Ciliated epithelium, human trachea
5.Smooth muscles, human,
6.Striated muscles, human, l.s.
7.Heart muscles, human, l.s.
8.Hyaline cartilage, human, sec.
9.Elastic cartilage of epiglottis, human
10.Bone, compact substance, human,
12.Red bone marrow, human,
13.Scalp, human, l.s. of hair follicles
14.Artery, human
15.Vein, human
16.Blood smear, human, Giemsa stain
17.Lung, human
18.Larynx of human foetus
19.Lymph gland, human
20.Thyroid gland, human
21.Pituitary gland, human,
23.Tongue, human
24.Oesophagus, human
25.Sublingual gland, human
26.Stomach, pyloric region, human
27.Pancreas, human
28.Small intestine, human
29.Large intestine, human
30.Liver, human
31.Kidney, human,
32.Adrenal gland, human Cena: 1600,00 zł / 50 szt.
33.Ureter, human
34.Urinary bladder, human
35.Ovary, human
36.Uterus, human
37.Uterine tube, human
38.Placenta, human
39.Umbilical cord, human
40.Mammary gland, human, sec.
41.Testis, human
42.Epididymis, human
43.Olfactory epithelium, human
44.Retina, human
45.Internal ear, human foetal,
46.Touch corpuscles in human skin,
47.Nerve, human, l.s
48.Spinal cord, human
49.Cerebellum, human
50.Cerebrum, cortex, human